How to get a customer feedback without much difficulty? This is taught daily to all the businessmen of the world. Getting feedback on the work done or services rendered is important because only in this way will the entrepreneur understand whether he is doing everything right and that it is worth improving, so the customer wants to return to him again and again. In addition, when both buyer and seller have feedback, it is easier to get all the answers. Let’s see how with video chat and the widget «VideoForce» it is easy to set up the form for feedback.
Basic feedback forms
Most often, companies combine different ways of communicating with customers. Here are the main ones:
Phone call - the most popular option to this day. At the same time, on the official website of the company the number must be indicated in the form of a click link, so that the customer can contact you with a simple click on the link. This item also includes a function called «return call».
Many firms think that this method is quite outdated. However, in the smartphone era, it is very convenient to receive important documents by e-mail. In this way, you can immediately after an important call to get acquainted with the necessary information and quickly make a decision on the purchase. Here you should not forget about impulsive purchases. And the faster the client sees the benefit of the transaction, the greater the chance that he will buy your product or service.
Online chat. Now everyone prefers to use automated chat bots. But it is still better when it is a live employee of the company.
Video call is an immediate plus to the client’s trust. It is very convenient to use video chat for business - it has more features.
No wonder that videowidgetis the most popular to date. It will easily replace almost all other forms of feedback, as the virtual consultant responds to the request as quickly as possible. It happens that a person for some reason does not want to turn on the camera. In this case, he communicates with the manager only by voice. The online consultant is always obliged to use the camera to be seen. It is also convenient in that even at a distance you can show the goods and, if necessary, explain how to use them correctly. Agree that it will be quite difficult to do this by phone or e-mail.
The secret of such communication is that the client can see the manager, which automatically improves trust in the brand.
How does feedback work when using video chat?
To use the application «VideoForce» you do not need to install additional programs on your phone or computer. The app itself adds the right buttons to your official website. As for the buyer, it only needs to click the call button. And it can be done with any gadget. To understand all the convenience of the service, just imagine yourself in the place of the client. For example, yesterday at the party you noticed a friend with a gorgeous suit. After asking where he bought it, the man gave you a link to the manufacturer’s website. The next day you went to the proposed site and, the first thing you paid attention to is the video - a greeting in which the owner of the company personally addresses you. Cool, isn’t it? But about the videos we’ll talk a little bit below. Let’s go back to the video chat. You saw the video, you went into the catalog, and you looked at the prices. You liked everything, but you are not sure that the company sews suits according to individual parameters. What will an ordinary person do? That’s right, he’ll get upset and leave the site. But not you! Because when you view the owner’s email you will see a button with an invitation to click it to start a video chat with the manager. During the consultation you will be able to get answers to all questions and place an order. This is how it works in practice.
The client will be able to decide which of the specialists present on the site he wants to communicate with. And the interesting thing is that people’s psychology works in such a way that they pick the people that they like the most. This allows the manager to quickly establish a trusting relationship and arouse positive emotions from the client’s communication with him. The process of consulting can be controlled by real-time video calling for the website. The available features also allow you to contact any of the available staff.
Advantages of video call compared to other forms of communication
According to information received from experts, the most popular type of feedback at present is telephone calls. But at the same time the video chat tries its best to become a leader, as it has many advantages:
Social media helped to make the video a familiar way to communicate to many people. Everyone’s favorite stories themselves cause the desire to see what is inside the video.
During the live communication between the interlocutors there is an emotional contact, which allows the online consultant to sell the service to the client with the help of a smile.
Video communication allows you to get the answer to the question in a few minutes. The customer does not have to wait for an hour or even a whole day to decide whether to order the products or not. During this time it is easier to find another online - store or change your mind.
Simple and convenient features. Convenient functionality also increases the client’s desire to return to the site again.
Where better to place a virtual consultant?
You can set up a feedback form at any place you think is convenient. For example, it can be the following places:
The home page is the place where the customer gets first. Naturally, he considers it in detail.
Product Card. Convenient trick so that the customer can immediately ask a question about the product under consideration.
Landing or promotion - for video consultation.
You can use one or more of these methods.
Customize your feedback via video
The installation process will not take much time. All you need to do is:
Create a personal account and confirm your email address.
Log in as administrator and customize the widget design.
Paste the code into your site.
So in just 10 minutes, you will configure the feedback form.
The main advantage of «VideoForce» service is the availability of a free trial period, which allows you to familiarize with the convenience of all functions and see an increase in customer engagement. You can install the widget on the site in test mode, and then look at the improvement of general analytics. The service interacts with Google Analytics, which allows you to capture the full picture of the behavior of the average client. There is also a videocalling for website function for the site and recording of conversations, which is necessary to check the work of all managers.
Disadvantages of this form of communication
Like any other product, this has its drawbacks. But they are so insignificant that users do not pay attention to them.
Shortcomings include the following:
Some people have an aversion to video communication. It is easier for them to communicate via e-mail or SMS. The percentage of such people is very small, but still do not forget them and treat them with respect.
Additional costs for the arrangement of the workplace of the company’s employees. It means that you will need to buy a professional headset with noise reduction and a good camera for video communication. But these costs will pay off pretty quickly.
Video widget as a tool to attract attention
This tool on the principle of the previous helps to establish a feedback with the client directly on the website of the company or online store. It is a short video recorded on professional equipment with the participation of the owner of the company or manager. Usually it lasts no more than 15 seconds. As soon as a visitor enters the site, the first thing he sees is a video without sound. If a person is interested in the clip, he can click on it for a second viewing, but with the sound.
With the help of the functions «VideoForce» you can add an additional button to the roller that triggers the necessary action. For example, a call or go to a page with the product described in the video. The widget provides an opportunity to attract the attention of the client from the first seconds of his stay on the site. During the browsing process, a person is asked to leave an application for the purchase of goods or to specify a phone number for a return call.
Advantages of Video Widget
This tool cannot replace video call, but it supplements it to increase conversion and give a huge advantage over the Internet - the resources of competitors.
Advantages of widget:
Vertical format associated with stories from social networks.
The roller does not slow down the work of the site, as it is the last to load.
Looks great on any device.
Used quite rarely, so attracts the attention of users.
Increases brand loyalty.
How to use the service most effectively?
To create customer feedback with widgets and increase their engagement, you should follow several context tips.
The information in the video should be one of these types:
Feedback about a product or service. It is good when it is left by some public person. Such feedback is much more credible than just printed text. In this case, video calling for the site should give maximum useful information about the product.
Address from the owner of the company. Here it is important that the video be short and in a language that the common person understands.
Information about upcoming promotions and discounts.
Review on Product (Service).
An invitation to a themed event.
It is equally important to choose the right place to place the feedback form. Most often, the main page, product cards and the top of the site are suitable for this if it is a normal one-page site. Psychologists say that place important information in the bottom right corner. In their opinion, everything on the left of the page they simply do not notice or notice, but pay attention to it. But if the site design does not allow you to choose this location, the top corner can also be used.
Customize Video Widget
You can change the color range of frames and other elements. It is recommended to choose colors that contrast with the general palette of the Internet - resource. It’s so easy to draw attention to the video.
It is possible to install a clickable button directly on the roller so that the customer buys the product immediately after watching the video.
With further use of the service, you will be able to analyze the number of views and the transition to the site, browsing statistics. You can also change the content and name of the built-in button, choosing the best option for your company. Almost all actions you will be able to perform independently without the involvement of experts.
Who will choose the video widget and video chat «VideoForce»?
Such tools can increase sales in many popular areas of activity. They will be useful for:
Organizations that go to increase the percentage of sales.
Brands with a large number of competitors.
Manufacturers of products that need to be presented beautifully to the customer.
Companies providing consulting services.
Companies that provide expert advice.
Brands who want to increase customer loyalty.
The service will help the newly opened companies to stand out in the market and thus attract maximum attention of buyers. Market leaders can also use the service to increase sales and increase Internet awareness.
The right solution is to install two of these tools on the site at once. So you can get quick feedback from customers and win their attention with a welcome clip, as if talking to them personally. Such delivery of goods (services) will appreciate even the minimum percentage of people who do not like video communication. And Google analytics allows you to compare conversion before and after.
The company «VideoForce» takes care of each of our clients. That is why it delivers only high quality products and provides excellent service. Use the latest technology and develop your business with us!